A public comment period shall be provided at each board meeting. In an effort to provide an opportunity for all interested speakers, all speakers shall be limited to three (3) minutes during the public comment period. Community members, who wish to address the Board, are requested to complete the speaker request form and submit it to the Principal prior to the meeting. Comments regarding agenda items will be taken first. Speakers are reminded of the three-minute time limit. Additional written comments may be taken prior to the meeting's adjournment. A member of the Board or the Principal will respond that the Board received and reviewed the comments.
When members of the public speak to the Board, they shall state their name and the item they wish to comment on. Please be aware that, by law, individual student information or particular personnel issues cannot be discussed at public sessions of the board. The Board will not permit interruptions, slanderous remarks or “name-calling” by speakers or the audience. We take public comment very seriously and careful notes will be taken. However, the board generally does not respond while the meeting is in public session.